Want to become an SEO Expert? My aim is to provide a learning path to become an SEO Expert with SEO best practices.

Want to become an SEO Expert? My aim is to provide a learning path to become an SEO Expert with SEO best practices. 

When I first published my first website using Blogger in 2011 I didn't heard about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Even I didn't know that I should create SEO friendly website or blog to index properly in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and others. 

When I heard about SEO- a strategy and practice to rank any website, pages or links as much as high at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) I begun to start to learn about SEO. I learned and applied SEO strategy to my website and blogs to test the experience. I found that is amazing! Then I begun to start learning more and more about SEO for beginner to advanced level. And the interesting thing is now I am working as an SEO Expert and Consultant.

Mithun Kumar-SEO Expert for SEO best practices to rank your website at Google search engine results page
Want more website traffic? GET STARTED

In this blog I will be sharing several SEO strategies, techniques and best practices to rank your websites as much as high at the top of the search engines like Google. 

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process and practice of improving website ranking in the search engine results. SEO best practices can help your website ranking as much as high at the top of the Google and other search engine results page.

You can find three types of SEO:

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Technical SEO
  3. Off-Page SEO 

Purpose of Learning SEO

Why do you learn or practice SEO? The answer is simple! Ans it is because of reaching more and more people. There are tons of websites on the internet based on several topics. When anybody hits a search with a query (technically called keyword) Google provides potentially the most relevant web page's links in the search engine results page

SEO expert performs SEO best practices to rank website at the top of the Google search engine results page.

The more a page at the top of the SERP is most likely to get click by the user. Generally, maximum people try find their information clicking on the first 3-5 links on the first page of the Google search results page. So website owners have to ensure to present their website as much as high at the top of the search engine results page. SEO is the weapon to rank your website in Google and other search engines.

I think you have understood now the fundamental purpose of learning SEO. So if you have a website owner and want to publish your content online then you should know the best practice of SEO and link building strategies that will bring more and more people to your sites. 

Who are the Website Owners?

Website owners may businessman for his/her business and company, government, NGO, Non-Profit Organization, consulting firms, freelancers or individual for their blogs. All the people who want to promote themselves using digital content (text, audio, video, apps and web tools etc. through websites or blogs and YouTube) are the website owners and have to implement SEO for their marketing and branding purposes

Business and organizations need to promote their products and services to generate more profit. In this recent age about all the business and organizations promote themselves digitally- that is called digital marketing.  If you get more users (website traffic) you can sell more products or services. If you are blogger and monetize your blog with Google AdSense you need to have more traffic to generate more earning from Ads. If may a affiliate marketer and promoting product or services using your blog or website. You need to reach more people to sell more and generate more income from affiliate marketing. 

Who Learn and Practice SEO?

The people who learn and practice SEO professionally are known as SEO Expert or SEO Specialist or SEO Consultant. SEO Expert may work individually as a freelancer in marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr or work as an employee of SEO agencies and consulting firms. I found many freelance SEO Experts have turned themselves into businessman starting their own SEO agencies after gaining working experiences.